Continuous delivery with Jenkins on DC/OS and IoT with Kubernetes and Big data - Meetup Torino - 15/03/2018

Continuous delivery with Jenkins on DC/OS and IoT with Kubernetes and Big data - Meetup Torino - 15/03/2018



In this meetup, Agile Lab presented two talks:
- "Continuous delivery with Jenkins on DC/OS"
The topic of the talk was an overview of continuous delivery/deployment techniques, describing how they can be useful to improve the release phase and presenting a small use case on how to build a simple pipeline using jenkins, docker and dc/os.
Speaker: Emanuele Maffeo
- "IoT with Kubernetes and Big data"
The topic of the talk was the architecture of an application to process and serve data from IoT devices.
We talked about how to integrate Kubernetes, CI with Gitlab, EFK, Nifi, Cloudera (Hadoop, Kafka, HBase) and much more to create an environment that allows you to integrate the world of Big Data with Cloud and that of services with Kubernetes.
Speaker: Mattia Bertorello

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