Company History

Our Story

Agile Lab's culture is deeply rooted in innovation, agility, and a forward-thinking approach to data and technology. Agile Lab's culture is a testament to its innovative spirit, agile practices, and commitment to creating a supportive and empowering workplace for its employees.

Here's a glimpse into the essence of Agile Lab's culture:

  • Agile Practices and Self-Management

    Agile Lab promotes agile organizational practices and a culture of software and data engineering, not only within its own teams but also among its clients. This commitment to professional development and excellence is reflected in the company's rapid growth and its ability to maintain a remote-first philosophy even as it expands

  • Professional Development Transparency

    Agile Lab's engineering ladder, as outlined in the handbook, is a transparent and public hiring ranking system designed to provide a clear path for professional growth. It consists of seven levels, with the first four being common across all roles and the last three diverging for technical and managerial tracks

  • Social Responsibility Commitment

    The adoption of the SA8000 system showcases Agile Lab's dedication to social responsibility, ensuring a safe and healthy working environment that respects fundamental rights and promotes ethical and sustainable work practices

  • Lasting Collaborative Success

    Over the years, Agile Lab has built enduring partnerships with a wide array of clients, creating efficient and effective IT solutions and relationships based on mutual trust, shared vision, and goals

  • Global Culture Recognition

    The company's innovative culture and transparent welfare model have been recognized with the prestigious "Great Place to Work" award, further enhancing its attractiveness to top talent in the market

Agile Lab Timeline



Agile Lab's inception, a visionary endeavor by founders Alberto Firpo and Paolo Platter, crafted from the ground up.


The first client partnership is forged with Unicredit, marking the beginning of Agile Lab's impact on the industry.


A significant milestone as Agile Lab hits its first million in revenue, powered by a dedicated team of 10 people.


Agile Lab embraces self-management practices, fostering a culture of autonomy and innovation within the organization.


Agile Lab expands its horizons with Scania becoming the first client outside Italy, signifying international growth.



A year of recognition as Agile Lab's revenue soars to 10 million with a team of over 100 people. The company earns a spot in the top 400 of The Financial Times' annual list of Europe's fastest-growing companies and is celebrated as one of Italy's Growth Leaders by Il Sole 24 Ore for its remarkable revenue increase from 2016 to 2021.



Agile Lab undertakes a strategic M&A operation with Poste Italiane in October, which acquires a majority stake while entrusting the governance to the founders.


Agile Lab joins the prestigious IFAB/ICSC Alliance, collaborating at the cutting edge of research in high-performance computing, quantum computing, and AI. This partnership places Agile Lab at the vanguard of data-driven innovation, contributing to the advancement of research in these critical fields.



Agile Lab commits to consistent international growth, diversifying its business between consultancy services and product offerings, including the innovative Witboost platform.

Agile Lab Offices

Our main office is in Milan, with 6 other offices across Italy and Germany.


Agile Lab is part of Poste Italiane

Government Projects?

IFAB and National Projects

Find out more about us and what motivates us