Agile Lab S.r.l. Management, which has always been attentive to the evolution of the market and the needs of the business, has adopted and implemented a policy aimed at fostering gender equality.

From the prominence of the related values comes the decision to establish and implement a management system in accordance with the UNI/PdR 125:2022 document "Guidelines on the management system for gender equality," which establishes the measure, reporting and evaluation of gender-related data in organizations with the aim of closing the gaps found, as well as incorporating the new paradigm related to gender equality within organizations, so as to support a sustainable and lasting change over time.

In fact, the provision for the adoption and definition of a set of performance indicators (KPIs) concerning gender equality policies, in adherence with the peculiar characteristics of each organization, makes it possible to define and maximize specific objectives aimed at fostering the enhancement and protection of diversity, equal opportunities in the workplace, the pursuit of gender equality, and the empowerment of women.

In this regard, a Strategic Plan is defined and reviewed periodically, detailing the objectives identified and indicating the methods for their pursuit.

A corporate committee for the promotion of gender equality, called Gender Equality Committee or Guiding Committee, is also established and is responsible for the implementation and maintenance of a dedicated management system. The Responsible for the system periodically reports to management on the activities carried out, ongoing and planned, including the surveys (KPIs) carried out periodically.

Agile Lab S.r.l. Management, in collaboration with the Gender Equality Committee, has therefore decided to adopt a policy on gender equality as a reference for defining the general framework within which strategies and objectives concerning gender equality are identified.

The Agile Lab approach is based on the assignment of roles and responsibilities based on assessments derived from training, skills, experience, aptitude shown in the performance of activities, and development potential.

In this context, diversity, on the level of personal characteristics and cultural backgrounds, represents a value for the company, facilitating opportunities for confrontation, the development of multiple strategies and operating modes, the adoption of choices based on a best evaluation of the reference context. Diversity that constitutes an asset for the company and that cannot determine, in any way, inequality at the level of training, evaluation of results, remuneration, career level.

Because of the above, Agile Lab S.r.l. Management:

  • Undertakes to implement recruitment policies aimed at enhancing experience, skills and competencies in relation to the internal roles to be filled; in the selection of candidates, priority attention is given to meritocracy, with attention to the enhancement of diversity; the people involved in the selection phase expressly undertake to avoid biases that may negatively impact the process and to implement, in an effective manner, the principles on which gender equality is based;

  • Is committed to ensuring that staff have equal access to roles of responsibility with equal skills, qualifications and abilities;

  • Is committed to offering staff a fair level of remuneration in accordance with each employee's competence, skills and professional experience, with the aim of pursuing salary equity; in particular, the compensation process and, in general, incentive systems in the short and long term, are based on the recognition of achievements, skills, responsibilities, taking market levels as a reference;

  • Undertakes to implement performance appraisal processes based on constant dialogue between managers and employees, with the establishment of development plans free of elements of discrimination, but based exclusively on personal skills and, in general, on merit;

  • Is committed to ensuring mechanisms for job protection and maintaining the same salary level in the post-maternity period;

  • Defines and implements specific activities to monitor career opportunities and salaries;

  • Makes a concrete commitment to the family welfare of its staff, both in economic terms and in terms of flexible working hours and agile work; thus, the work-life balance, a key factor in supporting parenting and family care in general, is facilitated;

  • Is committed to training and raising awareness among staff on issues related to gender equality, such as inclusive language, gender stereotypes, prejudice, harassment, mobbing; the promotion of awareness on gender equality, in all areas of the company, is a value for Agile Lab, and the related responsibility is distributed among all staff and collaborators of the company;

  • Activates specific training sessions on the subject of promoting inclusiveness;

  • Makes available secure mechanisms for reporting any anomalies or critical issues that may jeopardize the pursuit of gender equality, such as event of harassment, mobbing or discrimination;

  • Is committed to communicating, both internally and externally, its willingness to pursue gender equality, value diversity, and support women's empowerment.

Agile Lab S.r.l. Management strongly believes that an approach oriented towards gender equality, according to the actions outlined above, brings significant advantages: firstly, in terms of unconditional access to competent and qualified personnel, as well as an increase in the retention capacity of its employees and collaborators, in particular due to the support for work-life balance.

The presence of people of different genders, as well as of different cultures and ethnicities, promotes the creation of an environment in which the personal growth of each individual finds a wide space. It also facilitates the performance of internal work groups.

A differentiated vision and the presence of multiple points of view constitute strategic elements for more effective and efficient risk management and for making more considered operational and strategic choices. Finally, the provision of objective ways of assigning internal roles and assessing performance allows for more balanced analyses of the internal articulation of functions and the results, from time to time, achieved by them.

Agile Lab S.r.l. Management also undertakes to ensure that this policy is:

  • Communicated and disseminated within the organisation and to its stakeholders;
  • Subject to training and awareness-raising for company management;

  • Updated or confirmed periodically, during revision, on the basis of events, changes and the results of monitoring and audits;
  • Coordinated by a responsible figure, designated by management and possessing organisational and gender expertise.

In order to pursue the gender equality policy, a specific strategic plan was defined for its implementation, setting up a management model that guarantees, over time, the maintenance of the defined requirements, measuring the progress of results through the preparation of specific KPIs. These were identified on the basis of the 6 thematic areas indicated by UNI/PdR 125:2022, namely:

  • Culture and strategy: improving the work environment by fostering inclusion, gender equality and the enhancement of gender diversity, overcoming stereotypes, discrimination or prejudices (even unconscious) related to gender issues.

  • Governance: implementation of a governance model aimed at defining adequate organisational controls and the presence of the minority gender in the organisation's governing and control bodies, as well as the presence of processes aimed at identifying and remedying any form of non-inclusion.

  • HR processes: implementation of HR processes relating to all aspects of the employment relationship such as recruitment, on-boarding, training, skills development, promotion, remuneration, termination, based on principles of inclusion and respect for diversity.

  • Growth opportunities and inclusion of women in the company: improvement of the organisation's ability to offer gender-neutral internal career and growth paths.

  • Gender pay equity: implementation of processes for gender pay equity, including benefits and welfare systems.

  • Parenting and work-life balance: implementation of policies to support staff in their parenting and caregiver activities.

Diversity and plurality, for Agile Lab, represent a source of innovative ideas and high-level strategic approaches, as well as factors aimed at allowing equal opportunities for growth, on a personal and professional level, in objective and meritocratic terms.

An approach that promotes the development of internal competencies, the inclusion of managers with qualified skills, and the creation of an internal culture based on the values of diversity and inclusion, which in turn is an essential element for the sustainable growth of the company and, more generally, of the society in which it operates.